Glider wings needed

Glider wings needed

Message par szikora.stephen » 13-01-2014 22:35

See the following post from Barnstormers:

BERGFALKE 3, 2-22, 1-26 WINGS. • PARTS WANTED • My club needs left wings for a Bergfalke 3, 2-22, and 1-26 due to hangar collapse. • Contact John Mulder, End User - located Airdrie, AB Canada • Telephone: 403-615-4046 . • Posted January 11, 2014 •
Message(s) : 455
Inscription : 19-02-2013 15:59

Re: Glider wings needed

Message par mclaren.malcolm » 14-01-2014 10:17

Hi John
You could contact Chuck McGee Ph# 519-537-6957, his e-mail "" . He has a 1-26, C-FZDQ in storage for two years now. Chuck is an honoury member with the London Soaring Club and has not flown in a couple of years and has tried to sell it in the past and I beleive he still has it.

Hope this may help
Malcolm McLaren
Message(s) : 5
Inscription : 19-02-2013 15:59

Re: Glider wings needed

Message par mulder.john » 17-04-2014 21:04

Sorry, I haven't been on the forum for some time, too busy trying to find replacement aircraft. Our club gliders did not have hull coverage, our club was self insured due to the age of the aircraft and their perceived value. Worth millions to our club, but little value on the open market. We have found three aircraft so our fleet will be replaced this spring. We also found the other Bergefalke 3 in Canada, 75 km north of our field! It is in poor condition but the spar looks serviceable so we should eventually have our Berge flying again.

I need to recognize some people who have supported us through this loss. The Edmonton Soaring Club gets huge kudo's from our club for all their help and generosity. A few carloads of their members came out to help dig out our equipment from under tons of snow and the collapsed roof. They worked with us and our budget to allow us to replace one of our two seaters with their L-23. Thanks ESC!

SOSA has also been generous in providing another two seater in our price range. Thanks!

And finally, we have received numerous offers from soaring club members across Canada and connections to the US and Europe have been made as well. I know it is often said, you don't know how close your community is until something happens and you need support. A thank you to the Canadian soaring community, we are a family when we need to be! I am proud to say I am a member.

Central Alberta Gliding Club
Message(s) : 7
Inscription : 19-02-2013 15:59

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