WANTED: Right aileron for an L-33 SOLO glider

WANTED: Right aileron for an L-33 SOLO glider

Message par hees.hank » 20-05-2013 15:03

WANTED: Right aileron in good condition for L-33 SOLO glider. Right aileron was damaged and is not repairable so we are looking for a replacement for our club’s only (and currently grounded) solo glider. We have contacted Blanik America to ask if they can find one but no results yet from them.

If anyone has one available for sale, or perhaps might know of an existing ‘written-off’ L-33 SOLO glider somewhere with a good right aileron, please contact me at my email address below.

Hank Hees
Saskatoon Soaring Club
Message(s) : 4
Inscription : 19-02-2013 15:59

Re: WANTED: Right aileron for an L-33 SOLO glider

Message par hildesheim.roger » 08-06-2013 10:16

Hi Hank,

Try contacting Skywagon City:

They recovered the wreckage of an L33 about 5 years ago.

Message(s) : 41
Inscription : 19-02-2013 15:59

Re: WANTED: Right aileron for an L-33 SOLO glider

Message par hees.hank » 12-06-2013 19:13

Thanks for the info Roger. As it turns out, with a bit of good fortune we managed to locate an available used L33 right aileron from a soaring club in the USA and we've just installed it and are back in business with our club solo ship as of this coming weekend!

Message(s) : 4
Inscription : 19-02-2013 15:59

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